Institute de L'Elevage

IDELE - France


The French Livestock Institute is an applied research and transfer institute dealing with cattle, sheep, goats and equine farming. Since 1961, it is a non-profit, non-governmental R&D organisation appointed by the French Ministry of Agriculture as a technical centre for agriculture (a member of ITA network). Its mission is to improve the competitiveness of agriculture and related value chains while taking account of the diversity of national territories and livestock systems. R&D activities generate technical solutions for cattle, sheep, goat and equine livestock farmers, and for value chains economic actors, in compliance with social issues such as animal welfare, traceability, environmental footprint.

IDELE will provide lead support to WP4 (Animal Health & Welfare) and WP 6 (Environmental sustainability) to assist the lead partners to identify research that is ready to be put into practice and to assess the feasibility of good practices.

It will also contribute to WP3 (Socioeconomic Resilience) and WP5 (Production Efficiency & Meat Quality) to help to identify good practices in relation to these thematic areas in France.

Project Staff

Valérie David

Mrs Valérie David is the Head of the animal health and welfare division at Idele. She obtained a master degree in animal production (obtained at INA-PG, Paris, France, 1992). She is a senior coordinator and project leader (24 years’ experience). She manages or is involved in several national programs on animal health and welfare. Since 2006, she has been the head of the animal health and welfare team. Since 2013, she has been involved in the implementation of the national action plan for the reduction of the risks of antibiotic resistance in veterinary medicine and in this plan she has run the measure called “Development of sanitary prophylaxis tools and husbandry measures”.

Hélène Fuchey

Mrs Hélène Fuchey holds an agricultural master degree, specialized in animal production, obtained in 2013. She worked for 3 years in the Cantal Chamber of agriculture as a management consultant for farmers. Her main missions were: technical, economical and regulatory consulting related to farm’s creation, investments, or expansion; managing farmers’ professional training; working on group facilitation. Since 2016, she has been working for the technical Institute, Institut de l’Elevage, in Paris, as a project manager: monitoring technical, political and regulatory topics related to suckler beef production, analysing research and modernisation needs for the beef food chain, and managing relations with farmers’ representative. She will be involved in the BovINE project to facilitate and manage the French collaboration between FNB and Institut de L’Elevage.

Béatrice Mounaix

Mrs Béatrice Mounaix is a project manager at Idele, in the animal health and welfare division. She has completed a PhD in Biology in 1992 (ENSAR, Rennes, France). Since 2006, she has coordinated several national projects on animal health and welfare. She has been involved in 3 European projects in animal welfare during transport. She is a member of the board of the RMT Bien-être Animal (French national network on animal welfare).

Jocelyn Andurand

Mr Jocelyn Andurand holds two Master’s degree in Vegetal physiology and in advanced agronomy. He is an engineer specialized in beef systems and environment at the French Livestock Institute. From 2008 to 2012, he worked for the alfalfa dehydration industry. He engineered and managed the first domestic project in France that permit to reduce and sell on the ETS market the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction of the dehydration plants. From 2012 to 2016, he worked as head of environmental service at the Brittany Chamber of Agriculture. He was in charge of water and biodiversity policies. Since 2016, he works for Environmental unit of the French Livestock Institute. He is in charge of the Life Beef Carbon project (mitigation of the GHG emission from the beef sector) and coordinates 49 partners and more than 170 technicians from France, Ireland, Italy and Spain. He is also participating with the French Ministries to a methodology in order to value carbon credits, related to the mitigation strategies.

Pauline Madrange

Mrs Pauline Madrange holds a Master’s degree in advanced agronomy (spec. animal productions) obtained in 2012, at AgroParisTech (Paris-France). She has been working for the French Livestock Institute (Institut de l’Elevage) for 5 years. She started as a task officer for the Beef farmers Federation, in Paris. Now, she is located in Clermont-Ferrand-Theix, as project manager on beef farming. At present, she leads a common unit between Inra and Institut de l’Elevage, on beef farming and beef sector, related to services provided by beef farms. She involves also, in European projects, as Sustain Beef (Eranet SUSAN, 2017-2020), which focuses on farming systems relying mainly on resources non-edible by a human. She has good skills in the technical efficiency of beef systems.

Christophe Denoyelle

Mr Christophe Denoyelle graduated from the University of Rennes (Master of Biochemistry) in 1989 and Institut National Agronomique Paris Grignon, High School of Agronomy (Agricultural engineer) in 1991, with biochemistry applied to agri-food sector specialization. He is the manager of the Meat Quality Unit in the Department of Herds and Food Quality of Institut de l’Elevage. He has been doing applied research, experiments, publication, training and technical assistance to producer professional organisations and value chain operators: slaughterhouses, meat processing industries and retailers. He is an expert in beef, veal and lamb meat quality and he is involved in national and international projects.

Isabelle LeGrand

Isabelle LeGrand graduated at Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier (High School of Agronomy) in 1988 with animal productions specialization. She is a senior engineer in the Meat quality Unit in the Department of Herds and Food Quality of Institut de l’Elevage. She has been performing applied research, experiments, publication, training and technical assistance to producer professional organisations and value chain operators: slaughterhouses, meat processing industries and retailers. She is an expert in foodstuff processing industries, specialised in beef, veal and lamb meat processing technologies, meat quality and quality assessment, meat preservation and packaging. In recent years, she has been involved in national and international projects focused on meat sensory analysis and beef quality prediction.

Mylène Berruyer

Mrs Mylène Berruyer hold a Master’s Degree in animal production in 2011 (ESA, Angers, France). Since the end of August 2018, She is an engineer specialized in beef systems and the economy at the French Livestock Institute (idele). She used to work for an extruded feed producer, Valorex, in the Research and Development department as an apprentice between 2009 and 2011. From 2011 to August 2018, she worked for a local farmers’ unions which is a member of the main French farmers’ union (FNSEA). She was specialized in animal production and her mission was to defend and advise farmer.

Find out more about project activities in France


Beef Innovation Network Europe

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rural
renaissance programme   |   Project No: 862590 under call H2020-RUR-2019-15