
FLI - Germany


The work of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) focuses on farm animal health and welfare and on the protection of humans from zoonoses, i.e. infections which can be transmitted from animals to humans. These tasks are defined in the Animal Health Act. The FLI does basic and applied research in different scientific fields such as:

  • improving rapid diagnostics and improving prophylactic measures
  • providing the background for modern control strategies for animal diseases and zoonoses
  • improving farm animal husbandry in compliance with animal welfare
  • preserving the genetic diversity of farm animals
  • supporting the efficient utilisation of animal feed.

As a federal research institute and independent higher federal authority under the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture, the FLI has a consultative function, which helps provide the scientific basis for political decision-making.

FLI will lead WP 4 on Animal Health and Welfare with support from IDELE (France).

It will also work with BRS to facilitate the establishment of a national beef network in Germany through its activities in WP3, 5, and 6 where it will help to identify German beef farmers’ priority needs, identify good practices in Germany, test some of the solutions identified in its demonstration farms to assess the feasibility and facilitate knowledge exchange between farmers and academic experts in German and between Germany and other European farmers trans-nationally. 

It will also use its dissemination channels to ensure effective dissemination of research results to end-users and to communicate about the project at national and EU level to a range of stakeholders including farmers, industry and policymakers (WP7).

It will be involved in WP2 (providing insights as a research institute/university) to ensure an effective multi-actor approach within BovINE.

Project Staff

Dr. Frank Zerbe

Animal, Health & Welfare Lead from 2020-21

Dr. Frank Zerbe. Veterinarian (Humboldt University of Berlin, 1986) and DVM (University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, 1998). First, he started his career in pathology. From 1992 to 2001 he has worked on calf rearing and behaviour at the FAL Research Centre in Trenthorst /Schleswig-Holstein. Then he started his position in Celle, where he extended his research on barn and flooring systems for fattening bulls. He was a member of the project BEWERTUNGSRAHMEN published by KTBL and is responsible for the veterinary supervision of the experimentation farm in Celle.

Dr. Alexander Riek

Animal, Health & Welfare Lead 2021- 2022

Dr. Alexander Riek. Animal Scientist (University of Bonn, 2004) with a PhD in animal nutrition and husbandry (University of Göttingen, 2006). After 2 years as a Humboldt fellow at the University of New England (Australia), he held a position as a scientific research assistant at Göttingen University (Germany) in animal sciences and worked on adaptive thermoregulation and behaviour in ruminants as well as on energetics/metabolism and animal nutrition in various animal species. In June 2018 he started his position at the FLI in Celle as a research scientist continuing his research on the thermoregulative adaptation strategies in animals.

Find out more about project activities in Germany


Beef Innovation Network Europe

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Please address all mail to:

FAO: Maeve Henchion
The BovINE Project 
Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre
Dublin 15
D15 KN3K

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rural
renaissance programme   |   Project No: 862590 under call H2020-RUR-2019-15