Project Partners


Partner Organisations

BovINE brings together a consortium of 18 organisations from 10 European countries. The diverse consortium is comprised of research organisations, farmer and breed associations, Not-for-Profit and SMEs. Each partner has a specific role within the project, to read more about each partner click on the links below. 

Teagasc - Ireland
Irish Farmers Association (IFA) - Ireland
Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali (CRPA) - Italy
Unicarve - Italy
Institute de L'Elevage (IDELE) - France
Fédération Nationale Bovine (FNB) - France
Universidad de Zaragoza - Spain
INTIA - Spain
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (SGGW) - Poland
Polish Beef Association (PBA) - Poland
Faculdade De Medicina Veterinaria (FMV) - Portugal
PROMERT - Portugal
EV-ILVO - Belgium
Boerenbond - Belgium
Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) - Germany
German Livestock Association (BRS) - Germany
Minerva Communications - United Kingdom
Liivimaa Lihaveis - Estonia
Work Package No.Work Package TitleLead Partner
WP 1 Project Coordination & Management Teagasc - (Co-ordinator)
WP 2 Network Formation & Multi Actor Approach INTIA
WP 3 Socio-Economic Resilience CRPA
WP 4 Animal Health & Welfare FLI
WP 5 Production Efficiency and Meat Quality University of Zaragoza
WP 6 Environmental Sustainability ILVO
WP 7 Communications, Dissemination & Capacity Development Minerva


Beef Innovation Network Europe

© BovINE, all rights reserved unless stated otherwise.

Please address all mail to:

FAO: Maeve Henchion
The BovINE Project 
Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre
Dublin 15
D15 KN3K


EU flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rural
renaissance programme   |   Project No: 862590 under call H2020-RUR-2019-15