


Boerenbond is the largest farmer’s union in Flanders, representing over 60% of the farmers and horticulturists. Also part of the Boerenbond is the “Landelijke Gilden” (literally translated: rural guilds), a socio-cultural organization for 60.000 Flemish residents in the rural areas.

Through advocacy, education and awareness and services, Boerenbond is striving for sustainable agriculture and horticulture. The study department in Leuven consists of a group of experts studying all relevant topics (environment, climate, labour, European policies, ..). Economic sustainability is also an important pillar, achieved by monitoring the profitability of a thousand farms via business economic bookkeeping. Regional and sector-related topics are monitored by a group of specialized consultants. The dairy and beef cattle sector is followed up closely by the theme group livestock.

Follow-up of profitability, environmental legislation and sanitary topics allow us to formulate correct advice to the government related to the sector.

Boerenbond, as the most important farmer’s union in Flanders, is in very close contact with Flemish farmers and horticulturists. It will form the liaison between the research (ILVO and other institutions) and the beef farmer. Bovine’s recommendations will be discussed in the discussion groups and study circles. The beef farmers’ economic results will form a great addition in the economic component. The app for animal welfare fits in the component of animal health and animal welfare. Boerenbond has also made a mark on the Flemish climate policy plan. The voice of the Belgian Blue Beef ( and the other meat breeds) should not be missing from the different work packets.

Project Staff

Dirk Audenaert

Dirk Audenaert, consultant livestock at Boerenbond, will communicate the different topics to the beef farmers through various types of educational sessions (study sessions and farm manager groups). As a network manager, he makes the connection between research and practice.

Find out more about project activities in Belgium


Beef Innovation Network Europe

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Please address all mail to:

FAO: Maeve Henchion
The BovINE Project 
Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre
Dublin 15
D15 KN3K

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rural
renaissance programme   |   Project No: 862590 under call H2020-RUR-2019-15