
New Vision for Agriculture

New Vision for Agriculture The World Economic Forum is a platform for discussion on society’s future, but also on world nutrition and the basic developments in agriculture. This includes also shifting in consumer behavior to eat healthy diets. In 2017 the Forum mentioned 5 innovations which will transform the lives of smallholder farmers:  Improved access to electricity to increase efficiency and reduce […]


Disclosure of the BovINE project in “Favas Contadas”

Disclosure of the BovINE project in “Favas Contadas”  Consulai is a Portuguese consulting company in the agricultural and agri-food sectors. Created in 2001, it has an experienced and specialized technical team that develops communication and dissemination actions, social studies, information and industrial management, strategic planning, innovation and investment projects.  A little less than a year […]


Annual French technical day for beef sector

Annual French technical day for beef sector Each year, BovINE project partner, l’Institut de l’Elevage – Idele, based in France, organises a technical day in order to present its works on the beef sector. In 2020, this technical day was held on the 17th of November. The speakers dealt with:  Beef market in 2019 and 2020 and changes in the consumption of […]

Events Poland Press Release

First BovINE National Beef Event

BovINE will hold its first Irish National Beef Event on 20th October at 8pm, from the Irish Farm Centre in Dublin. Beef farmers and all stakeholders in the beef and livestock sector are invited to attend, virtually.

2020 Ireland

Developing the Irish BovINE network – BovINE visit to Irish actor Devenish to connect with their global innovation centre

The BovINE project’s multi-actor network expanded further when representatives from the Irish BovINE network team visited Irish nutrition company Devenish’s internationally-recognised research farm on The Devenish Lands at Dowth, County Meath to see some of the good practices and innovations they have under development. Devenish Nutrition is a global nutrition company with headquarters in Northern […]

2020 Events Ireland

Virtual Beef Week – Adapting to the ’new normal’ to share knowledge effectively

With Covid-19 restrictions putting a stop to public events, BovINE project Co-ordinators, Teagasc, cancelled their planned Beef 2020 event taking place at the  Grange Farm, Ashtown, IrelandVirtual Beef Week took its place, 6 – 10 July, each day focusing on a different beef sector: Suckler Beef Production Dairy Calf to Beef Production Sustainable Beef Production […]

Press Release

BovINE project goes live!

European cattle farming network project goes live with the launch of the BovINE Knowledge Hub (BKH). Established good practices, research innovations together with practical guides and videos with farmer experiences will be available to all after registering to secure access. Content will build over time as the project’s four key working groups, and the nine […]

2020 Press Release

Teagasc launch New EU BovINE network project

€2 million provided by the EU to develop a Beef Innovation Network across Europe A new trans-European beef network, called BovINE, aimed at addressing the sector’s sustainability challenges was launched by Teagasc in conjunction with EU research and farming partners at the Teagasc Food Research Centre Ashtown today 21st of January. BovINE will link researchers, […]