Sustainable beef: what is the role of grass-based production systems?

By Richard Lynch, Teagasc - Ireland

The European beef sector produces meat to feed a large growing global population, whilst producing many other valuable products and services to the wider public. However, at present, it faces significant challenges relating to economic, social and environmental sustainability, the nature and extent of which vary according to the production system. In a bid to address some of these challenges the EU-funded BovINE network is hosting a webinar, including a panel discussion with members of the EIP-Agri Focus Group on Sustainable Beef Production, to discuss how grass-based beef production systems, based on agroecology principles, can become, and remain, sustainable. This webinar follows a recent report by the EIP-AGRI Focus Group looking at the role of grass-based systems in a sustainable beef production system.  

To review the recent report from the EIP AGRI Focus Group on Sustainable Beef Production Systems please see here: Report  

The webinar is taking place at 13:00 – 14:30 CEST on 27th September 2021 and will include presentations on methods to enhance farm performance, farm-to-table value chain development, certification and labelling of grass-fed beef, communication and knowledge exchange of its merits. The webinar will be broadcast and recorded in English but will be available after the event in Spanish. This webinar will be of interest to all stakeholders from across the European beef sector aiming to improve the sustainability of the sector.  

Watch the recording below

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rural
renaissance programme   |   Project No: 862590 under call H2020-RUR-2019-15