BovINE Webinars

Risk factors associated with beef cattle losses on intensive fattening farms
Socioeconomic Resilience

Speakers: Kees De Roest & Dr Marta Brscic

Methods of assessing the vitality of newborn calves and the benefit
Animal Health & Welfare

Speakers: Dr Frank Zerbe, Dr John F. Mee & Anna-Lena Lindau

Strategies to Reduce Enteric Emission from Beef Production
Environmental Sustainability

Speakers: Karen Goosens, Riet Desmet & Joni Van Mullem

Virtual Fences to Manage Beef Cattle
Production efficiency & Meat Quality

Speakers: Virginia Resconi & Alfonso Abecia

Tools to measure & communicate high welfare standards on beef farms
Animal Health & Welfare

Speakers: Dr Frank Zerbe, Kornel Cimer, Beatrice Mounaix & George Stilwell

Future and Forward Contracts. What if we could guess the future?
Socioeconomic Resilience

Speakers: Kees De Roest, Pedro Rino Vieira & Tomás Machado

Feed Efficiency
Production efficiency & Meat Quality

Speakers: Virginia Resconi, Jakeline Romero, José Pais, Lisa Rumsfeld, Pablo Guarnido, Paul Smith & Sinead Waters

Carbon Sequestration
Environmental Sustainability

Speakers: Riet Desmet, Paul Pardon, Helene Chambaut & Ennio Facq

Automatic Feeding Systems - AUTOFEED
Socioeconomic Resilience

Speakers: Massimo Brambilla, Ambra Motta & Aldo Calcante 

Training in Animal Welfare
Animal Health & Welfare

Speakers: George Stilwell, Luar Reis Nel, Isa Kernberger-Fischer,  Beatrice Mounaix, Melissa Naldo & Diana Valente

Marbling in European Beef Cattle
Production efficiency & Meat Quality

Speakers: Ryan Law,  Aubert Nicolazode de Barmon, Isabelle Legrand & Jean-Francois Hocquette

Biodiversity & Agriculture
Environmental Sustainability

Speakers:  Robbert SchepersJose Pereira & Jane Debode


Beef Innovation Network Europe

© BovINE, all rights reserved unless stated otherwise.

Please address all mail to:

FAO: Maeve Henchion
The BovINE Project 
Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre
Dublin 15
D15 KN3K


EU flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rural
renaissance programme   |   Project No: 862590 under call H2020-RUR-2019-15